In Myself, I Trust

In Myself, I Trust

Many clients who come to me for healing have lived through controlling systems. Whether in religious organisations, family dynamics, or relationships.

These systems often leave people feeling disconnected from themselves, stripped of their ability to trust their own instincts.

As someone on my own journey of self-trust, I invite my clients to walk alongside me on the path of learning to trust themselves and their ability to make decisions, deeply and confidently.

As a person-centred therapist and reiki healer, I believe this with my whole heart that we all have the inner resources needed to create fulfilling, meaningful lives.

The systems you carry within: your mind, heart, and gut (intuition) are there to guide you.

But what happens when we lose connection with these systems?

When we find ourselves in controlling environments, the people within them systematically erode our self esteem, gaslight us into doubting our perceptions, disregard our experiences and do their utmost to make us believe that our thoughts and emotions are invalid. Over time, this disempowerment disconnect us from the very instincts that keep us safe.

Over time, this emotional erosion leaves us feeling lost, unsure of ourselves, and questioning our reality.

For survivors of these dynamics, the journey of healing often feels like sifting through the ashes of everything that was taken, trying to salvage what’s left.

But let me tell you this: if you’ve made the brave choice to leave behind what was controlling you, no matter how shattered you feel, you will find an ember among the ashes.

That ember is hope.

Where does hope come from?

It comes from within you. You carried it with you all along, even if you couldn’t see it during the darkest times.

Together, we can fan that ember into a flame. We can grieve what has been lost, feel the anger over what was taken from us, and start to rebuild.

We can learn a new way of being. One where you begin to listen to yourself again and trust the wisdom of your mind, heart, and intuition to steer the course of your life.

Will it be scary? Yes.

Will it feel overwhelming? Absolutely.

Will it be totally worth it and create the liberation and empowerment that you’ve been yearning for? YES!

The best part? You don’t have to walk this path alone.

There are many others just like you in the same boat. Learning, just like you, to trust themselves again.

And in time, the bitterness and resentment toward those who once controlled you will begin to fade.

You’ll see that they too are scared, they too never got to trust themselves. They too are trapped.

They could not do what you bravely did, set everything up in flames for the chance to stand on their own two feet and face the world with courage.

You chose freedom. Being free means standing tall, facing the world square on, and saying with your whole chest baby:

“I trust myself.”

And that, my friend, is the beginning of everything.


The Way Home P.1